About TaborPRO
Tabor PRO is the Tabor Film Festival’s educational/professional platform aimed at bringing together young filmmakers as well as broader audience of all ages and helping hone their cinematic skills. A number of various educational programmes, masterclasses, analytical case studies and workshops are all leading up to a pitching forum, focused on aiding the participants in the development of short film projects and networking, with much welcome help from some of the most respected film professionals.
Tabor PRO will bring together six regional academies and, thus, turn the Festival into an important hotbed for short film – a meeting place for many professionals, where the priority will be on students and their first professional works. Following the five-day workshop, the participants will present their projects to a jury of experts. As part of the pitching forum, i.e. the end result of the Tabor PRO platform, the best short film will be selected, which will receive financial support from the Festival organisation, along with professional advice from experienced mentors and workshop leaders, while helping promote the project and the filmmaker.
For five days, Tabor PRO will work as a professional regional residence which will bring together six projects by students in their final years of studies at academies in the region, all the while focused on developing the first professional short film after graduation. The program will welcome many special guests, noted filmmakers and representatives from film festivals, production and distribution companies, as well as film professionals from Europe and the world alike, who will share their experiences and knowledge with the participants, young graduates – and other interested individuals (through various public and private programs).
The short film represents an important segment in the filmmaker’s budding creative work and growth, which makes the process of project development all the more integral to the film’s success, via expert mentorship, discussions and workshops. The platform’s important strategic goal is to bring the students together, encourage the networking spirit and inspire co-production development, whereas the pitching forum is sure to help promote the projects and filmmakers.
Tabor PRO is the first such art and education program organised in the Krapina-Zagorje County and as such holds great importance not only because it leads to greater engagement on the part of the local community, but also because it fosters and creates new habits in the local audience. Thanks to the six regional academies coming together, the Tabor Film Festival is certainly expected to attract new audiences and audio-visual professionals. It will help the Festival to improve its artistic and professional profile, resulting in greater visibility and better positioning on the film festival scene. The projects produced as part of the Tabor PRO program will be shown to people around the world, thus boosting the extent of Croatian co-productions and the visibility of Croatian film in the world. As the longest-running short film festival in Croatia, the Tabor Film Festival has developed the Tabor PRO program hoping to become a site of interest for many young filmmakers and professionals.
The best pitching project in the making receives a cash prize for producing first professional film in the amount of 500 euros. The award is given by the SABMARINE production.
For more information about the TaborPRO program, contact the coordinator Anita Čeko at professional@taborfilmfestival.com